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Reza Avanluna x Tamvanluna
Offline Event in TW

Worlds' chronicler's chronicler


Tamvanluna Offline_TW 是台灣的 Tamvanluna 集合國際之力舉辦的線下粉絲集會!我們準備了展覽和簡報回顧 Reza Avanluna 精彩的直播生涯,一起觀賞 Reza 最後的演唱會,透過線上轉播與各地的 Tamvanluna 同樂,結束後還有台灣海外的 giveaway 抽獎活動,為 Reza 寫下最後的紀念。

Tamvanluna Offline_TW is an offline fan event organized by Tamvanluna in Taiwan, which brings together the support of international fans! We have prepared exhibitions and presentations to review Reza Avanluna's incredible streaming career, showcasing his songs and TRPG works. We watched Reza's final concert together and enjoyed the online broadcast with Tamvanluna fans from all over the world. After the event, there will also be giveaway draws for fans in Taiwan and overseas, creating a lasting memory of Reza's final moments.

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